February 09, 2017 1 min read

A number of you were interested in the hand woven totes on our Instagram feed and wanted to know where to get them, so I went ahead and stocked them. These are fair trade, and beautifully hand woven in Ghana. In addition to being fashion statement pieces, the Mini totes, and the larger Anywhere totes are practical too.

Mini Basket Totes



Medium Anywhere Totes


Here are 5 ways to use them:

  1. Fashion statement piece. There are no rules with this one. Live out loud.
  2. Shopping bag. Keep one of these bolga market baskets your car and keep those plastic bags out of the land fills.
  3. Beach bag. These bags don't care if they get wet.
  4. Decorative pieces for any room. Toss in your remote controls or keys or magazines hair accessories, and you are left with lovely basket on the table top or floor corner.
  5. Covering for flower vase or pot. 

There are so many ways to use them. With unique patterns and colors for every taste, the one thing everyone agrees on is just how beautiful they are.

Hope you are having a great week. Until next time,

All the best



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